Day Of:
What it is:
For those of you used to traditional weddings, it is probably best to
characterize this as a reception, although it will be more than that.
We will have a brief ceremonial-esque moment at the beginning before proceeding
on to the music, food, dancing and conversation. For us, this seemed the
best way to convey what we want to convey.
We’ll have something for meat eaters, seafood eaters, and vegetarians—a
serve yourself kind of thing featuring Mexican food. There will probably
be punch and there will definitely be margaritas.
Your Clothing:
Summery things. If you're feeling up to it, you might want to wear something
circa 1966, the (in some opinions) very best year. That way you'll also
fit in beautifully with the décor. Otherwise, think gauzy/cool/comfortable/vaguely
dressy. In other words, don't bother with a tie, let alone a suit (unless
you are most comfortable in one). Girls: avoid high heels unless, for
some odd reason, you really like them. Be comfortable so you can dance.
No denim please.
Music will be the primary focus of the day. If you have a song you’d
like to request (and please, try to keep it to just a couple and in one
e-mail only) send an e-mail to meghan@trifectapress.com.
As you may know, the Paws and Taws features a little stage, where various
bands and electronic devices will be perfoming. If any of you would like
to do a mini version of, say, The Sound of Music or an interpretive
dance version of King Kong, let us know.
In fact, we are open to any and all suggestions... this day is for all
of us, remember.