MUNG of the Week Archive
cupon, 2.02.03
soul vs. spray, 2.10.03
fest, 02.18.03
econofuture, 02.24.03
victorh, 03.03.03
not really a diet, 03.10.03
you always win, 03.18.03
church food tends to be bland, 03.25.03
fix that, 03.31.03
frizazzled, 04.07.03
starched croissants, 04.15.03
nothing, 04.21.03
asking for it, 04.28.03
they win, 05.05.03
ctoe, 05.12.03
FREE THINGS, 05.19.03
comedy team, 05.26.03

supertime, 06.02.03
nothing, 06.09.03
gregory hines, 06.16.03
don't stop, 06.23.03
pause!, 07.03-08.03
camz, 09.08.03
winter games, 09.15.03
PROBLEMZ W/B, 09.22.03
FattyO, 02.29.03
Chuck G., 10.06.03
workin', 10.13.03
lou ferrigno unemployment, 10.27.03
day five, 11.03.03
tuffy, 11.10.03
the special, 11.17.03
deep stuff, 11.24.03
nothing, 11.30.03
, 12.07.03
real estate agent joke, 12.15.03
an easy way, 12.22.03
nothing, 12.29.03
emptyville, 1.05.04
problem/solution, 1.12.04
summer school, 1.19.04
'tis time, 1.26.04
jingo, 2.02.04
the market, 2.09.04
handi, 2.16.04
on the go, 2.23.04
standoff, 3.02.04
the brutalists, 03.08.04
constantly, 03.15.04
just not today, 03.22.04
checkmote, 03.29.04
the daily sacrifice, 04.05.04
it never pays, 04.12.04
du jour, 04.19.04
balsamic days, 04.26.04
iron curtains, 05.03.04
bacon burger dog, 05.10.04
nothing, 05.17.04
no club,
bully brow beat, 05.31.04
some kinda hate, 06.07.04
not this time, 06.14.04
a better value, 06.21.04
4 america, 06.27.04
poor town, 07.05.04
gravity wins, gotta get, 07.12.04
and error, 07.19.04
jergenjery, 07.26.04
nothing, 08.02.04
new for '97,
out of sight, 08.16.04
canyon, 08.23.04
mini bar too, 08.30.04
enrollers, 09.06.04
exiled, 09.13.04
margins, 10.04.04

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